A winter view to the East and the White Mountains
Sustainability at Flag Hill Farm
Our farm prioritizes eco friendly and sustainable approaches in everything we do - finding each effort is more impactful when integrated into our systemic approach. We have been 100% solar-powered for over 30 years. Below are a few examples of additional measures we follow.
Supporting wild pollinators
By following organic cultivation practices, mowing minimally and not spraying anything, we create an environment for more wild pollinators to live in the orchard and reach our apple blossoms.
Integrating farm life
Our heritage breed sheep herd graze seasonally in the orchard, keeping the grass down, and fertilizing the trees.
Nurturing the environment
Outside the orchard, we follow Audubon forestry guidelines, mowing saplings on a five year rotation to create ideal environments for local birds and animals. We have also placed the property into the Vermont Land Trust.